Cohort 7 Think-Pieces (2024) - Download the Cohort 7 Think-Piece Report
- DOE National Laboratories Collective History
- DOE National Labs—Infrastructure Challenges & Opportunities
- Opportunities for Enhancing Technology Maturation and Transfer at the National Labs
- Our Learning Journey into the LDRD Program
- AI for Science: Shaping the Future of the National Lab Complex
- Enabling a Vibrant Management and Leadership Culture Across the National Lab Complex
- OSELP Itself: Reflections on Impact, Effectiveness and Potential
Cohort 6 Think-Pieces (2023) - Download the Cohort 6 Think-Piece Report and Presentations
- Reimagining the Implementation of the FFRDC Model
- GenAI Driven Operational Excellence Across the National Lab
- Governance to Accelerate CLEAN Energy RD&D
- Becoming Better Together: Advancing a Sense of Belonging in the National Laboratories
- Future of Work Reinvented
- Discovering the National Laboratory Ecosystem
- Leveraging OSELP Alumni: Proposed Use Cases to Support the NLDC in Advancing the DOE-Lab Complex
Cohort 5 Think-Pieces (2022) - Download the Cohort 5 Think-Piece Report
- Identity and Awareness of the National Labs
- National Lab Conference
- ENDLESS Frontiers: A Journal for the National Laboratories to Engage Stakeholders and the General Public
- National Laboratories Explorers Program
- The National Labs’ Talent Opportunity Pool (TOP) Database
- System Innovations in Benefits
- Ensuring a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Operations & Research Culture Across the National Lab Complex
- Innovation for Global Security
- Accelerating Innovation Through Multi-Lab LDRD Investments
- Overcoming Barriers for a Modern, Net Zero Carbon National Laboratory Infrastructure
Cohort 4 Think-Pieces (2020-21) - Download the Cohort 4 Think-Piece Report
- National Labs Should Be World-Leaders in Data Management: Explores and recommends a set of deliberate DOE actions that would transform science by enabling National Lab leadership in data management.
- The Importance of Leadership Agility at the U.S. DOE National Laboratories: Lessons: Explores the institutional attributes necessary to ensuring leadership agility, particularly during times of crisis, and offers associated recommendations for the National Lab system.
- Pipeline and Recruitment Strategies at Department of Energy National Labs: Provides an overview of innovative pipeline, recruiting, and workforce development programs currently in place at the National Labs.
- Moonshots: Harnessing the Potential of the National Laboratory Complex to Address Critical National Priorities: Offers recommendations to create a super-structure and framework to enable successful Moonshot initiatives led by the National Labs, and provides next steps for implementing this super-structure as a climate change Moonshot.
- Building the Future of the Labs from the Lessons Learned During Covid-19: Provides recommendations for enhancing National Lab hybrid work environments and enhancing both remote work capabilities and inter-Lab exchanges.
Cohort 3 Think-Pieces (2019) - Download the Cohort 3 Think-Piece Report
- To Form a More Perfect Union—of National Labs: Explores the need to create an enterprise-wide approach to optimize alignment of the National Lab system, while maintaining diversity to secure global science and technology leadership.
- Building the National Lab Workforce of the Future: Strengthening Talent Pathways through Data and Strategic Innovations.
- Illuminating the Role of Women at the DOE National Labs: Significant steps have been taken to highlight the early history and impact of women, however gaps remain in the more recent history.
- Oppenheimer Leadership Network: An Enduring Element of the Oppenheimer
Science & Energy Leadership Program.
Cohort 2 Think-Pieces (2018) - Download the Cohort 2 Think-Piece Report
- Creating Leaders: Why, What, and How OSELP Meets a Critical Leadership Need. Discusses the need for different leadership development and experience focused on the Labs as a system.
- Engaging the Future: Explores gaps in communicating the value of the Lab system, including the need for a compelling brand for the system as a whole and leveraging the Labs workforce to improve communications.
- Meeting Global Grand Challenges through Effective Cross-Collaboration: Explores the use of R&D relationships to enable improved technical outcomes, including step-out research and more efficient progress to solutions.
- Strengthening Relationships to Improve Mission Delivery: Discusses ways to improve the relationship between DOE programs, Labs, and site offices.
Cohort 1 Think-Pieces (2017) - Download the Cohort 1 Think-Piece Report
- Workforce-of-the Future: How can DOE and the National Labs attract and retain talented leaders to successfully achieve its mission? Publication available: OSTI Record and The Electrochemical Society Interface.
- CLARITI (Creating Links Across Research Institutions for Teaming Intelligently): With over 20,000 scientists spread across 17 Labs and highly diverse areas of expertise, how can DOE and the National Labs build more effective teams?
- Regional Energy Centers for Adaptation and Sustainable Transition (RECAST): Could the National Labs provide broader scientific and technical support to cities, counties, regions, and states through an integrated regional approach?
- International Partnerships: Mindful of its complex mission areas and security interests, how can DOE and the National Labs develop a more integrated strategic approach to international engagements and partnerships?